Getting by with a little help from my friends.

I’m in India! That is neat!

I don’t have much time left here at the internet café in Shillong — Khlur is at school right now, but is picking me up soon — so I’ll do a brief recap. I spent my first five days in India primarily in Maruti Kunj, a “colony” outside of New Delhi, with the Mohans, a family I met while working at the Alan deLastic Children’s Village. They were extraordinarily good hosts (really, I couldn’t manage in Delhi without their help), and I’m hoping to visit them again while I’m in the country. With them, I went to an enormous Shiva statue and to a sort of birthday celebration for Lord Krishna, and my Indian mother Uma promised to take me to a number of other religious sites if I can take a week or two with them later in the year.

I also met up with a friend from Carnegie Mellon, Vidur, in Delhi, and spent a few hours over at the ADL Children’s Village. Seeing the children again after two years blew my mind, especially the fact that the girls in third standard (grade) can now speak English! After being a little nervous that none of the children would remember me, it really warmed my heart that they all were just as happy to see me as I was them.

I’ve spent the last day in the care of Khlur Mukhim and his brother, Banjop. Banjop drove all the way to the airport in Guwahati (three hours away!) to pick me up, and Khlur arranged for me to stay in a very nice bed and breakfast outside of Shillong last night. I also met Khlur’s sister Barri and her adorable son. It’s been an exceedingly pleasant time.

I know I said I’d have pictures, but that was before I forgot my camera cable in my bag in the hotel, and thus didn’t have it here with me in the internet café. Next time, I’ll be more careful about such things… really 🙂

This afternoon I’m off to Kharang, the village in which I’ll be living and working for the next few months. I’m very excited to meet Khlur’s parents and to set up my half of the room I’m sharing with Sharmila! Speaking of Khlur, he’s just gotten out of classes, so I have to run. Hope all is well on the home front!

~ by cmskhublei on August 26, 2008.

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